Painting materials: tempera, diluted ink, spray paint, sponges, etc.
Combinations of these materials, plus cut and tom paper, will be used–add others as needed (string, thread, or stretched canvas).
Probably one of the most difficult and underrated creative art forms is collage. The idea of taking throwaway materials and arranging them into an aesthetically pleasing composition appears hard for beginners. In most cases success is limited because beginning artists think too objectively. In approaching the collage, you should respect and apply the same compositional devices in painting and drawing. All elements of design can be used, but emphasis is on texture. Rich tactile surfaces can be readily achieved by selecting a variety of actual textures.
Collect a variety of actual textures such as cloth, sand, metal foil, wood, and colored photo textures from magazines. Make a number of interesting rubbings (with crayons or soft pencil) on ordinary drawing paper. Enhance them by mixing up various paint colors that are thinned with water to wash over the crayon rubbings in a resist fashion. This will remove the white background and make them more attractive. Don’t be intimidated by the perfection of these textures–feel free to crumple, tone, wash, or invent additional textures on their surfaces.
Cut or tear and start arranging materials into shapes by color, value, or texture. Consider each section as a tension or force entering the composition that will culminate at a central point in your picture plane. It is necessary to intensify colors and value contrast at that point and subdue perimeter areas. Invented texture, pencil toning, and paint washes will help sensitize your composition. Remember, simple, uncluttered areas will complement rich textural areas. The success of your composition will be directly affected by how you personalize the various textures used. Once the composition has been determined, glue the various parts together. (Fig. 6.3A)
Dr. Carol Emmerich, Professor of Art and Art Education, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois.